Task Management

WorkWizard strategically combines time and task management. No matter the task, you’ll see both in-process and completed tasks to facilitate efficient task control.
Corrective Actions

Assign Corrective Actions

corrective actions checked
Corrective Actions

Assign Corrective Actions

Visit one of your stores recently to find the restroom or parking lot in rough shape? Assign a clean-up task to this location with required photo evidence that the job was completed correctly. Take it one step further by setting a recurring assignment for this location to submit photos daily until the cleanliness routine is restored.
Task Monitoring

Keeping Track of Morning Duties

restaurant open sign
Task Monitoring

Keeping Track of Morning Duties

Restaurant employees have a lot of morning prep. So, how can you ensure your team stays on task and completes all necessary duties? WorkWizard’s task management system allows supervisors to assign tasks and monitor their progress.
Lunch Rush

Making the Lunch Rush Go Smoothly

kitchen cooks working frantically
Lunch Rush

Making the Lunch Rush Go Smoothly

Lunch time is a busy time for every restaurant. So, efficiency is key during these prime hours. Assigning tasks and monitoring their status with WorkWizard keeps your team in sync and ensures a smooth dining experience.
After Hours

End the Night on the Right Note

restaurant employee ending her shift
After Hours

End the Night on the Right Note

The work doesn’t end when the last customer leaves. There’s still a lot to manage, from cleaning to prep work for the next day. Use WorkWizard’s task management feature to ensure all tasks are completed before the shift’s end.

Task Delegation

Assign Tasks with Ease

group of people with one holding a tablet
Task Delegation

Assign Tasks with Ease

Who’s responsible for which tasks? Whether your employees are working off of a customized or traditional list, WordWizard’s intricate software ensures everyone knows their assignments and task timelines.

Prep Work

Ensure Prep Work Gets Done

Prep Work

Ensure Prep Work Gets Done

Every restaurant has a prep work schedule. With WorkWizard, simply create a prep list that fits your restaurant’s needs and monitor task completion in real time.


Customize Your Employee’s Tasks


Customize Your Employee’s Tasks

Want to customize your employee’s tasks? Create customized checklists, monitor progress, and more. WorkWizard’s programming is the solution to all your restaurant task management needs.

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